So. You build stuff?
You could say that. I would say that I’m a dynamic problem solver that cares about details and experience. I work hard to exceed expectations, and I work efficiently to get the most of out of everyones’ time.
I’m creative and technical. Programming and presentation come naturally — opportunities to use both are where I shine.
I’ve had the opportunity to work with talented people on a variety of projects. Take a look at some of my work for examples, and feel free to visit my LinkedIn page for more employment and education details.
What do you do? 🦄
I have a diverse background in systems support, DevOps / SRE, and interaction design. My experience includes creating and maintaining automation (with tools like Ansible), building and troubleshooting with containerization tech (like Docker and Kubernetes), and networking (cloud and on-prem). I also have programming experience in several languages, and design skills for software, print and audio / video.
Qualifications? 📜
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree (with distinction) from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. My major is in Design, and I’ve also studied in the Computing Science department. I’ve worked with a number of individuals, small and large businesses.
I’m also an Apple Certified Mac Technician, and have worked extensively with macOS and other Unix-based OS for several years.
Interests? 📷
During my spare time I enjoy photography, nature and architecture. Any chance to take my camera out into the world and snap some photos is great. Sometimes I bake chocolate cinnamon cake. Sushi is my favourite food, and I’m a certified espresso addict.
Why ducks? 🦆
My aunt and uncle own a hobby farm on Vancouver Island, and growing up I went to see them in the summer time. They have all kinds of creatures (and plants!), but I always thought their ducks were the best. Did you know a duck’s quack does echo?